Melanie Page
Dr. Page works in conjunction with Dr. Fred King, Vice President for Research, and coordinates her efforts with department chairs, deans, associate deans, and members of the Research Office to enable faculty success. She is also the Director for NASA WV Space Grant Consortium and NASA WV EPSCoR.
The AVP’s primary responsibility is to facilitate the success of faculty in the Arts, Humanities, and Social Sciences (AHaSS) in achieving greater external support and recognition for their creative and scholarly work, generally captured under the “research” part of the faculty member’s workload assignment. The AVP leads the development of projects that incorporate faculty from various colleges to address state, regional, national, and international issues while increasing recognition for the University in faculty scholarship.
Specific responsibilities include, but are not limited to:
- Assisting faculty to identify and secure opportunities that will increase their external profiles as scholars, including high profile awards such as those recognized by the National Research Council and the Center for Measuring University Performance.
- Developing and implementing internal programs to enhance the competitiveness of faculty for external funding opportunities to support their creative and scholarly activities.
- Working with the Associate VP for Research Development to build teams that will seek and secure projects that bridge across many disciplines - recognizing the increasing importance of work at the intersection not only of the AHaSS with each other but their intersection with STEM as well.
Dr. Page joined WVU as the Assistant Vice President for Creative and Scholarly Activities in October 2013 after a 16-year career in the Department of Psychology at Oklahoma State University where she was promoted to full professor in 2010. She is a tenured professor in the Department of Psychology at WVU.
She has two main areas of research: first, the prevention of mental and physical health problems; the second main area of interest is teaching, mentoring, and scientific workforce development, especially for girls and women. Professor Page has participated as a principal or co-investigator on a number of NSF and NIH grants.
- Arizona State University, 1998
PhD Psychology, emphasis in Quantitative Psychology - Arizona State University, 1994
MS in Family Resources and Human Development, emphasis Child Development - Arizona State University, 1991
BS in Psychology (Summa Cum Laude)
Bridge Initiative for Science and Technology Policy, Leadership, and Communications
WVU’s Bridge Initiative connected the University’s science and technology expertise with policymakers at all levels. For any questions regarding Bridge, please email Dr. Melanie Page.