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An HPC Cluster is more capable of solving many and/or large computational problems than any desktop computer or workstation.


Do you have computationally-intensive research that requires high computational capabilities and low-latency?

Data Analysis & Visualization

Take advantage of our free training resources and software.

HPC Partners

WVU partners with several regional and national organizations that support big-data computing.

Training and Support

If you are interested in using HPC, but lack experience with computer science, we offer training and consultation options.

Software Carpentry Workshops

The WVU Research Office in collaboration with WVU Libraries bring you workshops focusing on basic, scientific computing skills.

Software Carpentry

HPC Summer Institute

The Research Office offers a free workshop every summer to teach the basics of WVU HPC resources and more advanced topics of current interest in HPC.

Workshops and Videos

LinkedIn Learning Tutorials

ITS offers 14-day licenses to the online training courses offered by LinkedIn Learning. Extensions can be granted pending the wait list. Several big-data tutorials are available.

Request Account

MATLAB Resources

MATLAB Academy, video tutorials, courseware, and Simulink from ITS are available.

MATLAB Software

The Research Computing team will hold online office hours each Friday from 1-3 pm to allow HPC users to ask questions and receive immediate help without submitting a help ticket.
