EPSCoR Research Infrastructure Improvement (RII): EPSCoR Research Fellows
- WVU Internal Due: February 10, 2025
submit to WVU_Internal@mail.wvu.edu with your name/EPSCoR Fellow in the subject line.- Agency Proposal Due: April 8, 2025
RII Track-4 PI eligibility includes non-tenured and tenured assistant and associate professor ranks (or equivalent ranks). The cutoff is the deadline for proposal submission.
Track-4: EPSCoR Research Fellows provides awards to build research capacity in institutions and transform the career trajectories of investigators and further develop their individual research potential through collaborations with investigators from the nation's premier private, governmental, or academic research centers. The fellowship provides opportunities to establish strong collaborations through extended or periodic collaborative visits to a selected host site. Through collaborative research activities with the host site, Fellows will be able to learn new techniques, develop new collaborations, advance existing partnerships, benefit from access to unique equipment and facilities, and/or shift their research toward potentially transformative new directions. The experiences gained through the fellowships are intended to have lasting impacts that will enhance the Fellows' research trajectories well beyond the award period. The benefits to the Fellows are also expected to improve the research capacity of their institutions and jurisdictions more broadly.
Budget maximum is $300K over 24 months. RII Track-4 awards will provide up to six months of salary support for the entire period of the fellowship visit(s). In addition, each award will provide support for the PI’s travel between the home institution and host site as well as living expenses while at the host site. Up to six months of salary support and travel and living expenses may also be requested for one additional trainee-level researcher (typically a graduate student or postdoctoral member of the PI’s group). A small amount of additional support will be allowed to cover direct costs associated with the work to be completed at the host site (e.g., purchasing supplies, shipping equipment, publication costs, etc.). Read solicitation for details.
RII Track-4:@NASA-WVU is not an eligible institution under solicitation guidelines.
Internal Proposal Guidelines
Email WVU_Internal@mail.wvu.edu with subject line: “EPSCoR Fellows Internal Competition”
- PI, Rank and Departmental Affiliation (only single PI proposals allowed)
- Proposal Title
- Name of Host(s), Institution and Location (Note: must be in US or territories).
Only single host site allowed and host sites are generally outside of PIs home jurisdiction and located at such a distance as to make temporary relocation necessary unless a persuasive case to the contrary is made. (Please provide documentation of the cooperation of the potential host, copy of an email is sufficient.) Hosts can be academic institutions, government labs, federally funded research and development centers, or commercial or non-profit research centers. - Provide documentation (copy of email is sufficient) indicating that your unit chair is supportive of your leave.
In no more than three pages provide the following:
- Outline:
In two (or more) separate paragraphs address the intellectual merit and broader impacts of the project. The summary should be informative and understandable to a scientifically or technically literate reader. - Proposed Research Activities:
Successful RII Track-4 proposals should present exciting, vibrant fellowship ideas that have potential to transform the PI’s individual career trajectory and more broadly impact his/her research field, institution, and jurisdiction. All proposals should include motivation and context for the work to be conducted, the PI’s specific plans for the fellowship period, and a discussion for how the benefits gained from the fellowship would be sustained beyond the award period ( e.g., by including plans for future proposal submissions). It is crucial that the proposals explain clearly what specific opportunities will be made possible via the PI’s extended visit(s) to the host site. - Feel free to contact Sheena.Murphy@mail.wvu.edu with questions.